Eugenides Foundation – Planetarium

As part of the photography exhibition titled “With a Breath: Greece Under the Sea,” focusing on underwater photography, free diving, and the Greek seabed, a marine aquarium couldn’t be absent.

During the installation study, as there was not enough available data to assess the stability of the floor, it was found that the total weight of the aquarium, over 2,500 kilograms, could potentially cause stability problems in the space. For this reason, a larger base was constructed than the dimensions of the aquarium to distribute its weight over a larger floor area. The new base was externally covered, creating a couch around the aquarium for the exhibition visitors.

The aquarium, with dimensions of 150cmx150cmx60cm, features a hidden filtration system (sump), extra-clear glass for optimal transparency, and pendant LED lighting technology, perfectly harmonized with the surrounding environment. It added a discreet yet imposing aquatic element to the exhibition space.

Study & Constrcution



Athens Planetarium


Eugenides Foundation

Total system volume

1.350 liters

Project Photos